Holland, My Heart” by Jennifer J Coldwater is November 2022’s BREW Readers’ Choice Award winner.

The book captured the hearts of the BREW reading community and clinches the BREW Readers’ Choice Award Book of the Month title. Here’s why:

At its heart, the novel encapsulates the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Through the eyes of Holland Gallagher, readers are transported into a world marked by loss, upheaval, and uncertainty. Coldwater skillfully navigates Holland’s journey, weaving a tapestry of emotions that resonate deeply with readers. From the devastating loss of her husband and his brother to the tumultuous changes that follow, Holland’s story is one of courage, strength, and ultimately, hope.

The introduction of Kai Ipu, a charismatic CEO with a magnetic presence, adds layers of complexity to Holland’s narrative. Despite their age difference and Holland’s initial reservations, Kai’s unwavering support and belief in her potential become catalysts for her personal and professional growth. Coldwater expertly crafts their relationship, infusing it with warmth, humor, and palpable chemistry.

What sets “Holland, My Heart” apart is its modern retelling of the biblical story of Ruth, infused with contemporary romance elements that breathe new life into age-old themes. The novel embraces authenticity, incorporating candid conversations, raw emotions, and moments of vulnerability that resonate with readers on a profound level.

Coldwater’s prose is as sharp as it is heartfelt, delivering witty banter, poignant insights, and steamy romance in equal measure. The novel’s dual point of view allows readers to delve into the minds of both protagonists, deepening their connection to the characters and their journey.

Overall, “Holland, My Heart” is a standout work of contemporary romance that transcends genre boundaries. Coldwater’s deft storytelling, relatable characters, and fresh take on a timeless tale make it a deserving award-winner.

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More about the award

The BREW Readers’ Choice Award is a monthly and annual celebration of literature, where readers determine the most beloved books. Book of the Month winners automatically contend for the prestigious Reader’s Choice of the Year Awards, highlighting exceptional literary works. Embodying the spirit of democracy in literary accolades, BREW empowers readers to recognize and champion books that resonate with them. With readers as the judges, each vote reflects the profound impact of a book on individual readers, uniting a global community of book enthusiasts. Winning the BREW Readers’ Choice Award signifies more than critical acclaim—it symbolizes a book’s profound connection with its readers and its place in their literary journey. Ultimately, this award celebrates the democratic essence of literature, honoring the diverse tastes and preferences of readers worldwide.

To know more about the BREW Readers’ Choice Award, click here.

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Explore all BREW book awards by clicking this link.

By The BREWer

As a caterpillar goes out of its dark cocoon, grows its wings, and flies high up in the sky, I acknowledge my role in the entire process of the written word's metamorphosis through The Chrysalis BREW Project. I believe that beauty and goodness exist in everything and everyone - may we let that emerge and shine in each word we read, concoct, write, or share.

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